The DataBank Cloud Team teaches: How to plan your cloud strategy


Navigate the cloud landscape, discover ways to plan your move to the cloud, and how on-prem to cloud migrations work for a variety of businesses through this cloud migration strategy course. You’ll also discover benefits and drawbacks of different cloud hosting services. This video is perfect for IT Directors, System Administrators, Business Analysts, and Cloud Architects.

Top takeaways

  • OnBase cloud hosting options include: Hyland GCS, The DataBank Cloud and a public cloud option hosted entirely by your organization.


  • It’s crucial for you to know what type of cloud hosting service will work best for your business and your team. Know your employee’s comfortability levels and needs when it comes to choosing a cloud hosting service.


  • Determining what may have to change with your OnBase system during a migration is pivotal in planning your move to the cloud.


The DataBank Cloud team

Michael Terryberry, Cloud Architect

Philip Evans, Cloud Architect

Patrick Higgins, Director of Development, Database


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