OnBase Extended Support – uncover your options

If you’re aware or have been notified of going into extended support for your OnBase, start here to learn about the paths available to your system and resources for your team.


Aaron Fryzek

Adam Herrmann

Chief Revenue and Operations Officer


Aaron Fryzek

Aaron Fryzek

Technical Account Manager


Patrick Higgins

Director, Professional Services, Development


Jeff Eveland

Director, Support


Knowledge you’ll walk away with

See the risks

Discover what our team has seen from other clients who are on an old version of OnBase, or doing an upgrade themselves.

What's available in OnBase 24.1

See improvements to the software like accessibility enhancements, App Builder, and more

Support Roadmap

Learn about the timeline of support available for your version of OnBase.

Next Steps

Considering a DIY upgrade?

Check out our pre-upgrade overview before you take the leap into your own DIY OnBase upgrade journey.

Want to start the upgrade process with DataBank?

We are here to help. Connect with us and we will get you started on the right path for your system.