In the Heights: Reach your OnBase goals in 2024 live webinar

Join us for a collaborative dialogue focused on navigating your 2024 OnBase milestones, strategies for achievement, and the resources available to you.

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In the Heights: Reach your OnBase goals in 2024 live webinar

Learn how to support and achieve your OnBase goals this year with DataBank experts

Free to join virtually

What projects or initiatives are you planning for OnBase in the back half of 2024? Before you get started, learn how to set realistic goals, create alignment, and prioritize your tasks to stay on track – and how to get other stakeholders on board.

This is a master class in OnBase project planning and change leadership from OnBase experts with decades of experience. They’re answering some of our most frequently asked questions about OnBase goal setting and management.

Attend the webinar and receive the option for a free OnBase Solution Review from the DataBank team.


Jim Erb

Director, Professional Services, Healthcare


Kendra Deutsch

Director, Professional Services, Public Sector


Franklin Hudson

Support Team Lead


Knowledge you’ll walk away with

How to set overall goals

Set the stage for what the software will be able to accomplish.

Goal alignment

Identify where goals would align with one another

Create prioritization processes

Prioritization and backlog should live as a working document